# CFR - coreboot form representation This documents the API exposed by coreboot to be consumed by loaded OS image or payload. ## Problem Statement As per coreboot design there's no UI present to change firmware related options like "Hyper-Theading Enable". There's no way of knowing what options are supported, if they are supported in the current configuration and what they do. The `USE_OPTION_TABLE` Kconfig allows to integrate a list of mainboard specific options into coreboot tables when the option API is using the *CMOS NVRAM*. It has no meaning if another option API is being used. ## Design Proposal Propose a new coreboot table that is independent from the option backend. The coreboot table is generated from coreboot ramstage code. Every possible boot option is described by its name, the user visible name, a help text, a default value and status flags. All strings are in ASCII. The boot options are grouped into forms, where each form hold one or more options. Boot options that are not used in the current boot flow, and are never reachable should be marked as hidden. Dependecies between options can be defined in the code and should be evaluated by the CFR parser/UI. A boot option can be one of the following types: - boolean - number - enum - string All of the information is *Position Independent Data*. That is, it is safe to relocate any of the information without its meaning/correctness changing. CFR records form a tree structure. Every record starts with a `tag` and a `size` field as generic header: ```C struct __packed lb_cfr_header { uint32_t tag; uint32_t size; }; ``` The size of a record includes the size of its own fields plus the size of all child records. A record can have none or multiple child records. The record `tag` must be known by the parser to parse the record and its sub records. If it is not known to the parser it can simply skip it by jumping `size` bytes forward. The coreboot table containing the CFR tree has the tag `LB_TAG_CFR`. The public API can be found in `src/commonlib/include/commonlib/cfr.h` and `src/commonlib/include/commonlib/coreboot_tables.h`. ## Implementation design ### Tags Tags identify the structure defined in `src/commonlib/include/commonlib/cfr.h`. Every struct might be immediately followed by additional structs (so called sub nodes), having their own tag and size field. The sum of all sub nodes size fields plus the size of the struct itself equals the size field. * CFR_TAG_OPTION_FORM Used in `struct lb_cfr_option_form` to describe a group of options. Every sub node is one option that should be displayed in the order found in memory. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_ENUM` - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_NUMBER` - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_BOOL` - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_VARCHAR` - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_FORM` - `CFR_TAG_OPTION_COMMENT` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_ENUM_VALUE Used in `struct lb_cfr_enum_value` to describe a numeric value to be used in a parent `CFR_TAG_OPTION_ENUM`. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_OPTION_ENUM Used in `struct lb_cfr_numeric_option` to describe a numeric variable with a predefined selection of possible values in the referenced variable. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_ENUM_VALUE` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_ENUM_VALUE` * CFR_TAG_OPTION_NUMBER Used in `struct lb_cfr_numeric_option` to describe a numeric variable with any possible value in the referenced variable. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_OPTION_BOOL Used in `struct lb_cfr_numeric_option` to describe a numeric variable with the possible values [0, 1] in the referenced variable. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_OPTION_VARCHAR Used in `struct lb_cfr_varchar_option` to describe an ASCII string stored in the referenced variable. *Example:* Linux kernel cmdline. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_DEF_VALUE` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_DEF_VALUE` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_OPTION_COMMENT Used in `struct lb_cfr_option_comment` to describe an ASCII string visible to the user, but doesn't reference a variable. Informal use only. Allowed sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT` Required sub nodes: - `CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME` * CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME Used in `struct lb_cfr_varbinary` to describe the option name used by coreboot's code. It thus must match what is used in code by `get_uint_option()`. Is not user visible. * CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME Used in `struct lb_cfr_varbinary` User visible name of the option. * CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_HELPTEXT Used in `struct lb_cfr_varbinary` Optional user visible description what is changed by this option. * CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_DEF_VALUE Used in `struct lb_cfr_varbinary` Default value in case the variable is not present. ### Flags The optional flags describe the visibilty of the option and the effect on the non-volatile variable. * `CFR_OPTFLAG_READONLY` Prevents writes to the variable. * `CFR_OPTFLAG_INACTIVE` Implies `READONLY`. The option is visible, but cannot be modified because one of the dependencies are not given. However there's a possibility to enable the option by changing runtime configuration. *For example:* Setting SATA mode, but SATA is globally disabled. * `CFR_OPTFLAG_SUPPRESS` Runtime code sets this flag to indicate that the option has no effect and is never reachable, not even by changing runtime configuration. This option is never shown in the UI. * `CFR_OPTFLAG_VOLATILE` Implies `READONLY`. The option is not backed by a non-volatile variable. This is useful to display the current state of a specific component, a dependency or a serial number. This information could be passed in a new coreboot table, but it not useful other than to be shown at this spot in the UI. * `CFR_OPTFLAG_RUNTIME` The option is allowed to be changed by a post payload entity. On UEFI this sets the `EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS` attribute. It is out of scope of this specification how non runtime variables are protected after the payload has hand over control. ### Example To display a boolean option with the label `Boolean`, that default value is `true`, on a form called `test`, that modifies the variable `First` the following structure will be generated: ``` struct lb_cfr_option_form { uint32_t tag; = CFR_TAG_OPTION_FORM uint32_t size; = sizeof(struct lb_cfr_option_form) + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(name) + 1 + 3 + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_numeric_option) + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(optname) + 1 + 2 + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(uiname) + 1 = 120 uint64_t object_id; = 1 uint64_t dependency_id; = 0 uint32_t flags; = 0 } struct lb_cfr_varbinary { uint32_t tag; = CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME uint32_t size; = sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(name) + 1 + 3 = 20 uint32_t data_length; = strlen(name) + 1 }; char name[5]; = "test" char padding[3]; struct lb_cfr_numeric_option { uint32_t tag; = CFR_TAG_OPTION_BOOL uint32_t size; = sizeof(struct lb_cfr_numeric_option) + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(optname) + 1 + 2 + sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(uiname) + 1 = 72 uint64_t object_id; = 2 uint64_t dependency_id; = 0 uint32_t flags; = 0 uint32_t default_value; = true }; struct lb_cfr_varbinary { uint32_t tag; = CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_OPT_NAME uint32_t size; = sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(optname) + 1 + 2 = 20 uint32_t data_length; = strlen(optname) + 1 = 6 }; char optname[6]; = "First" char padding[2]; struct lb_cfr_varbinary { uint32_t tag; = CFR_TAG_VARCHAR_UI_NAME uint32_t size; = sizeof(struct lb_cfr_varbinary) + strlen(uiname) + 1 = 20 uint32_t data_length; = strlen(uiname) + 1 = 8 }; char uiname[8]; = "Boolean" ```